Support Solidarité Arménie !

By sup­por­ting Soli­da­ri­té Armé­nie, you are saving the cultu­ral heri­tage of a people who have been figh­ting for their sur­vi­val for thou­sands of years.

Today, thanks to dona­tions we have been able to provide :

- hygiene kits, blan­kets, towels, food, clothes, a washing machine and a mini oven for families
- boots, uni­forms, slee­ping bags, bino­cu­lars, exter­nal bat­te­ries to the military

- medi­cal equip­ment at the burns medi­cal center

- help dis­pla­ced chil­dren to pur­sue their edu­ca­tion. Your dona­tion will allow the chil­dren to work in good condi­tions with note­books, pen­cils or elec­tro­nic equip­ment to fol­low the courses remotely.