Solidarité Arménie

Arme­nia, having during the last decades been the vic­tim of a context of eco­no­mic and social regres­sion, cau­sing a consequent rise in unem­ploy­ment and emi­gra­tion, it is neces­sa­ry to ini­tiate a strong deve­lop­ment of the eco­no­my on the whole ter­ri­to­ry, espe­cial­ly through agriculture.

We invest in pro­jects to reno­vate schools in pre­ca­rious situa­tions, tea­ching French and rela­ted cultu­ral acti­vi­ties. Our volun­teers help edu­cate young people in less favo­red areas.

Basic aid main­ly concerns fami­lies who are in urgent need. Dis­tri­bu­tion of clo­thing, food or hygie­nic mate­rial, sup­ply of medi­cines, one-off finan­cial aid, reno­va­tion or even recons­truc­tion of houses on the verge of col­lapse or which become uninhabitable.