Why support us ?

For almost 2 years, Soli­da­ri­té Armé­nie - a French « loi de 1901 » asso­cia­tion with no sub­ven­tions - has been invol­ved in the field along­side the Arme­nians in grea­test dif­fi­cul­ty, in par­ti­cu­lar far­mers and vil­la­gers. By sup­por­ting Soli­da­ri­té Armé­nie, you are hel­ping to save the cultu­ral heri­tage of a nation which, for thou­sands of years, have been figh­ting for their sur­vi­val on the Arme­nian High Pla­teau. Per­pe­tual­ly threa­te­ned by hos­tile neigh­bors who desire nothing but their anni­hi­la­tion, the Arme­nian people conti­nue to fight valiant­ly, but the war and the pre­ca­rious­ness which rava­ged the coun­try during the last decades have cau­sed wounds which have not yet been sealed.

We have car­ried out many pro­jects toge­ther : reno­va­tion of the nur­se­ry school in the vil­lage of Kor­nid­zor (bor­der vil­lage of Nagor­no-Kara­bakh, hard hit during the war), recons­truc­tion of a burnt down house in Goris, pur­chase of a pia­no for the French-spea­king nur­se­ry school in Goris, dis­tri­bu­tion of clo­thing, medi­cal and finan­cial assis­tance to a man with a serious tumor, and many other actions which we are plea­sed to congra­tu­late us on. Or rather, to congra­tu­late you. You are the real actors of our work, the engine of our com­mit­ment : without you, we could not exist. This is why, in order for us to conti­nue our task and ful­ly invest our­selves, we need you !

In addi­tion to this, you need to know more about it.

Best regards,
The pre­sident of the asso­cia­tion,
Jean-Armand Kom­chouyan


The Soli­da­ri­té Armé­nie asso­cia­tion was born on Octo­ber 20, 2018 in Angers, from the desire of young French Chris­tians to help improve the lot of their bro­thers in the East. It was Jean-Eudes Gan­nat and Jean-Armand Kom­chouyan, the lat­ter being of Arme­nian ori­gin, who chose to found the asso­cia­tion with the objec­tive of pro­vi­ding phy­si­cal and mate­rial assis­tance to pre­ca­rious fami­lies in Arme­nia, in par­ti­cu­lar those in the most disad­van­ta­ged rural areas of the country.

Today, more than 50% of Arme­nian people live in rural areas and agri­cul­ture is their essen­tial live­li­hood. The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 plun­ged Arme­nia into a disas­trous eco­no­mic slump, cau­sing the unem­ploy­ment rate to explode and the popu­la­tion into exile. Bet­ween 2008 and 2017, the ave­rage unem­ploy­ment rate in Arme­nia excee­ded 43%. It is the highest unem­ploy­ment rate of the 15 post-Soviet repu­blics. During the past 25 years, seve­ral hun­dred thou­sand Arme­nians have taken the routes of exile to join the diaspora.

Vic­tim of emi­gra­tion and violent eco­no­mic and social regres­sion, pla­gued by cor­rup­tion, Arme­nia found itself in a per­ilous situa­tion, espe­cial­ly as its neigh­bors - Tur­key and Azer­bai­jan - orga­ni­zed a blo­ckade all around the coun­try fol­lo­wing the Nagor­no-Kara­bakh war, a blo­ckade which has las­ted until now and which condemns Chris­tians to find them­selves even more iso­la­ted from the rest of the world.